Montana into Wyoming

Today we rode 62 miles from Livingston, Montana to Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming. We added 3,071 feet to our climbing total. 

Never judge a book by its cover.  By now, most of us looked at today's schedule, 62 miles and 3,000 feet of climbing, and thought, "easy day, time to recover." Things did not work out that way. We had the whole wind thing again, if not directly in our faces, then strong from the side. Sorry, no tailwinds today. Then near the end of the trip we somehow ended up on a five-mile section of dirt road that was almost entirely washboard, with some 10 percent climbs. Simply brutal. We entered Yosemite National Park and then the real fun began. With only five miles to our hotel we had to climb over 1,000 feet, with some sections of the climb exceeding 12 percent gradient. We arrived at our hotel in a state of mild shock, wondering what had just happened. We didn't have much time to consider it, as we had to unpack the truck, tend to our bikes, and get dinner before getting to bed. 

We tested ourselves today and passed. We experienced Montana's beauty again, in all its glory. We crossed into our third state in 12 days. We arrived at our destination as a team and will continue tomorrow. We say "farewell" to Montana and "howdy" to Wyoming. We'll be ready in the morning.

“I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love. And it’s difficult to analyze love when you’re in it.”

― John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

Tomorrow we ride from Mammoth Hot Springs to Grant Village, Wyoming. We will cycle 72 miles and climb 4,907 feet.

Totals to Date

Miles: 924

Elevation Gain: 36,003

Flat Tires: 19

States crossed: 3

Centuries: 2

Strava Summary




Loving Montana and Jimmy Buffett