The wind at our backs and our junk in our trunk (truck)

Pat Ryan:

Today we rode 79 miles from Missoula to Lincoln, Montana. We added 2,959 feet to our climbing total. 

We had a spectacular day on the bikes. After the daily brief at 0800, we rolled out of the hotel parking lot under partly cloudy skies. The weather forecast had predicted winds out of the west, and that's exactly what we got. For the first time on this trip, we experienced steady winds at our backs for the entire day. We enjoyed Montana's stunning scenery along the way, following the Blackfoot River for much of the ride. "Uneventful" would be a great way to describe the day.

One of our classmates has generously volunteered to manage much of our daily logistics. We rented a 26-foot Penske truck to carry everyone's luggage and a few spare bicycles from town to town, and he manages the entire operation. While everyone helps get their luggage into the truck, Rich Woodford ensures that things are "secure for sea" and won't shift around during the day's drive. When we arrive at the night's hotel, our bags are waiting for us. It's another example of the commitment people have made to ensure the mission's success. We are grateful.

Tomorrow we ride from Lincoln to Townsend, Montana. We will cycle 90 miles and climb 3,195 feet.

Totals to Date

Miles: 676

Elevation Gain: 26,009

Flat Tires: 12

States crossed: 2

Centuries: 2

Strava Summary


A mile high and over the Continental Divide


108 miles to Missoula